Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Anti-Hair Loss Shampoos

Anti-Hair Loss Shampoos : Rub-a-Dub Dub – But Gently PleaseOne easy-to-try option is a shampoo specifically designed to increase the health of existing hair and to reduce the rate of hair loss in both men and women.  There are several sources to investigate specific shampoos, research studies which can be accessed to determine the effectiveness of many of these products.

Acai Berries and Acai Berry Juice -- What Are the Health Benefits?

Have you heard about the acai berry? Do you want to know more about the health benefits of acai berries and berry juice? Acai berries are highly touted by marketers who say it’s one of the elite superfoods with anti-aging and weight loss properties. Some manufacturers use acai berries in cosmetics and beauty products. But do scientific studies support these claims of acai benefits?

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Papaya Fruit is Very Good for Digestion

Papaya fruit is very beneficial fruits, ranging from fruits, bark, leaves to seeds. The leaves contain proteolytic enzymes that facilitate digestion.

Eating papaya is a very good for the body that serves to facilitate the disposal of metabolic waste or avoid constipation. The enzyme papain is great to tenderize meat, lots of cooking chicken, goat, sheep or cow in atapun if using young papaya leaves.

Mango Benefits For Body

Mango fruit is a source of vitamin C, which is known to be extremely useful to the body. In addition to functioning as an antioxidant, vitamin C also has functions to maintain and promote health of capillaries, healthy teeth and gums. He helps the absorption of iron and can inhibit the production of natrosamin, a cancer-triggering substances. Vitamin C could also make the connective tissue remained normal and help wound healing.

Content of vitamin C on mango fairly be reckoned. Each 100 grams of edible ripe mango supply as much as 41 mg of vitamin C, a young mango can be even up to 65 mg. That is, by consuming

Is Soursop Fruit Can Heal Cancers?

Soursop Fruit Could be Heal cancers? Many cancer patients believe in the benefits of fruit and soursop leaves as an alternative for treating cancer. In fact, some sources say soursop leaves are like chemotherapy and have the ability to kill cells that grow abnormally, and let the cells grow normally.

However, how exactly is the opinion of the medical community? According to Prof.. DR. dr. Soehartati G., Sp.Rad (K) Onk.Ra, Head of the Department of Radiotherapy, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), soursop fruit is mengadung antioxidants, vitamin C and higher. However Soehartati said, so far no scientific research evidence is quite strong on the benefits of soursop leaf efficacy as a cancer drug.

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

6 Types of Drinks Very Good For Health Body

Drinks that contain soda, soft drinks or bottled juice does have a delicious taste but bad for our health. Instead, get used to more often consume six healthy drinks like this:
Benefits of water are well known by almost everyone. Not only useful for beauty, water can also help the brain function, kidney, liver and speed up metabolism. Even drink water before meals can help lose weight because it can suppress appetite.

Milk + Tea Can Potential Obesity

You may often experiment dispensing drinks to get a unique taste sensation. A quite popular, combining a cup of tea with milk. But be careful, it could mess up mixing drinks slimming diet program.

Quoted as saying from the Times of India, a number of scientists found that tea contains high levels of a compound that helps reduce the amount of fat. However, a protein found in cow's milk works to neutralize the ability of tea against fat.

Mixture milk and  tea theaflavins and thearubigins produce compounds that can trigger weight gain. That is why, they suggest the consumption of tea without added milk. 

"That means we do not get the health benefits of compounds or proteins from milk. Therefore, it is always recommended to drink tea without milk. "

Devajit Borthakur, a scientist at the Tea Research Association at Jorhat, the state of India, said, "When the tea is consumed with milk mixture, theaflavins and milk protein complexes thearubigins form, which causes them to settle."  

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Benefit Content of Fish Oil for Body

Compared to other animal fats, fatty fish or more we are familiar with the term fish oil. Fish oil contains less cholesterol. This is very beneficial for health because excess cholesterol can cause health problems. Increased public awareness of the need for good nutrition to support health has encouraged increased consumption of fish oil in the world.

This is based on the fact that fish oils (especially fish) contain many polyunsaturated fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids / PUFA). Polyunsaturated fatty acids are very beneficial to the process of intelligence, vision, and immune system. In addition, useful also in tackling the problem of atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) and coronary heart disease.

Marine Fish is Better 
 Based on the dump oil, fish can be classified into two groups. First, groups of fish that keep oil in the liver (fish liver oil), such as mackerel, cod, and sharks. Second, groups of fish that keep oil in the flesh (fish body oil), such as lemuru fish, whale, eel, tuna, mackerel, and herring.

Based on oil content, the fish can be grouped into: (1) little fatty fish (lean fish) with oil content less than 2 percent, (2) low-fat fish (low fat) with 24 percent oil content, (3) are fatty fish (medium fat) with 48 percent oil content, (4) fatty fish (high fat) with oil content of more than 8 percent.

Oil levels in fish vary widely, influenced by many factors: species (kinds) of fish, sex, level of maturity (age), season, spawning cycle, and geographic location. Composition of marine fish oil is more complex, containing unsaturated fatty acid chain length, more than freshwater fish.

Unsaturated fatty acid chain length in marine fish oils generally contain 18, 20, and 22 carbon atoms, which are connected by 36 double bond. While the fatty acid composition of freshwater fish generally contain 16 and 18 carbon atoms, which are connected by 13 double bond. The longer the carbon chain and the greater the number of constituent fatty acids the double bond, the greater the role of these fatty acids for health.

Fatty fish consist of smaller units called fatty acids. Fatty acids in fish oil consists of three types, namely: (1) saturated fatty acid (having no double bonds), for example palmitic acid, myristic acid, and stearic acid, (2) monounsaturated fatty acids (having one double bond) , for example oleic acid, and (3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (having more than one double bond), for example, linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic (AA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA). DHA is found in many marine fish species of salmon, tuna (especially bluefin tuna which has five times more DHA), sardines, herring, mackerel, and shellfish. Fish oil generally contains about 25 percent saturated fatty acids and 75 percent unsaturated fatty acids.

Reduced Risk of Death   
 Epidemiological studies have shown there is an inverse relationship between fish consumption and coronary heart disease. In the group who ate fish at least 30 grams a day, the risk of death from coronary heart disease was reduced 50 percent compared to those who do not eat fish. Active substances which play an important role in the relationship is Omega-3 fatty acids.

Different fish oils to vegetable oils and land animals. Fish oils generally have a composition of fatty acids with carbon chain length and double bonds that many (polyunsaturated fatty acids / PUFA). Fatty acids in fish oil has Omega-3 configuration, whereas in plants and land animals contain very little omega-3 fatty acids it. More plant oils contain fatty acids Omega-6 berkonfigurasi than Omega-3.

Omega-3 fat acids are dominant in fish is linolenic acid which is composed of 18 carbon atoms and 3 double bonds, eicosapentaenoic acid (eicosapentaenoic acid / EPA) which is composed of 20 carbon atoms and 5 double bonds, and docosahexaenoic acid (docosahexaenoic acid / DHA ) composed of 22 carbon atoms and 6 double bonds.

Omega-3 fat acids often found in marine fish, such as lemuru, herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna and anchovies. Fish oil is rich EPA lemuru whose numbers may reach 7.1 g/100 g, while the tuna fish oil is rich DHA by the number of 8.2 g/100 g.

Fish in cans is not a source of Omega-3 is good, because in the process, fish oil is intentionally discarded and replaced to palm oil, tomato sauce, or salt water as the medium of marinade. Removal of oil purposely done so that canned fish is not easy to rancidity due to oxidation of unsaturated fat acids from fish.

Omega-3 fat acids have proven very beneficial for health, namely: (1) are hypocholesterolemic (lowers blood cholesterol levels), (2) to prevent clotting of blood so that the pieces to avoid blockage of blood vessels (atherosclerosis) and prevent coronary heart disease , (3) reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus (diabetes), hypertension (high blood pressure), various cancers, skin diseases, and help increase endurance, (4) plays an important role in the process of fetal brain growth.

Three Criticism Time     
In its relations with Omega-3 activity, there are three critical time in human life, ie during pregnancy, lactation, and infancy. During pregnancy, omega-3 fatty acids are transferred through the placenta to the fetus. During lactation, maternal diet is obtained will influence the content of Omega-3 fatty acids in milk. Thus, the food consumed by the mother during pregnancy and lactation should contain Omega-3 fatty acids in sufficient quantities, especially those derived from the consumption of fish or fish oil concentrates.

In infancy, Omega-3 will accumulate in the brain and retina. Human brain development occurs since the baby still in the womb, until the first two years after birth.

Seeing the growth process of the brain is unique and takes place in a relatively short time, poor maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and breastfeeding will affect the growth and disruption of the brain, both in number and completeness of brain cells. The condition can affect memory and intelligence, which can continue into adulthood.

Considering so many benefits from fish oil, some industries competing to make fish oil concentrates. The products mentioned in the form of a mixture or pure, form of capsules of EPA and DHA. Concentrated fish oil is coated with gelatin as a patron.

Generally sold in the market is fish oil concentrates in the form of gelatin capsules with a size of 1 gram of vitamin E supplement of 1 IU per gram as a stabilizer. This product has been developed by many countries (especially Japan and Korea) as a drug and / or nutritional supplements. Especially for children under five, fish oil is also traded in the form of syrup or emulsion.

World Health Organization (WHO) and the British Nutrition Foundation recommends the addition of DHA to infant formula with the recommended dose of 20 milligrams per kilogram of weight of a normal baby, or 40 milligrams per kilogram of weight preterm infants. Adequate intake of DHA will help children to concentrate and make children hyperactive becomes calmer.