Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Papaya Fruit is Very Good for Digestion

Papaya fruit is very beneficial fruits, ranging from fruits, bark, leaves to seeds. The leaves contain proteolytic enzymes that facilitate digestion.

Eating papaya is a very good for the body that serves to facilitate the disposal of metabolic waste or avoid constipation. The enzyme papain is great to tenderize meat, lots of cooking chicken, goat, sheep or cow in atapun if using young papaya leaves.

Papaya contains lots of vitamin C and beta-carotene, in addition to a number of minerals, papaya can also be utilized to retard aging.

There also argued that the papaya contain enzymes that are good for male fertility. beneficial addition to the smooth blood circulation and heart health.

To use it we can use a blender and better and more delicious mixed with other fruits. All that is very beneficial to reduce levels of sugar and fat.

What should be noted, do not mix the fruit is very sweet because it can raise your blood sugar levels.  

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